Kaldakvísl is on Holtamannaafréttur and flows into Sporðöldulón. Until now, it has been a hidden gem in the highlands. The river holds an incredible stock of char and the largest char can weigh up to 10 pounds. It is not uncommon for people to hook into 5–6-pound fish. In Kaldakvísl you can also find brown trout, which can also be very large. As these are resident fish, they are in the river throughout the fishing season. The natural beauty of the area is unparalleled. In the river you can find magnificent gorges, waterfalls, large deep pools, long shallow flats, and everything in between. Many fish can be caught one day in Köldukvísl but the next day it can be very demanding. Kaldakvísl therefore has everything an angler can dream of.