
South Iceland
Photo credit: Fish Partner

Fishing season

15 May – 30 September


Baits allowed

Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

4 rods

Fishing limits

Catch & Release

Accomodation options

Fishing cabin




Requires permission, Only 4×4 cars, Only by foot

Price range for fishing rods

For the full day
12000 ISK to 32000 ISK

What can be fished


Kaldakvísl is on Holtamannaafréttur and flows into Sporðöldulón. Until now, it has been a hidden gem in the highlands. The river holds an incredible stock of char and the largest char can weigh up to 10 pounds. It is not uncommon for people to hook into 5–6-pound fish. In Kaldakvísl you can also find brown trout, which can also be very large. As these are resident fish, they are in the river throughout the fishing season. The natural beauty of the area is unparalleled. In the river you can find magnificent gorges, waterfalls, large deep pools, long shallow flats, and everything in between. Many fish can be caught one day in Köldukvísl but the next day it can be very demanding. Kaldakvísl therefore has everything an angler can dream of.

Accommodation & Facilities

Fishing cabin

The fishing cabin í Þóristungur, accommodates ten people. There is a fully equipped kitchen, gas grill, two toilets, three showers, an elegant lounge and a large terrace. Anglers need to bring sheets.

Fishing rules

Four rods are allowed, and they are sold together. People need to get accustomed to using unobtrusive hooks and nets when fishing in Köldukvísl[DA2] .


The fishing area is 12 km in length

Services nearby

Nearest cities

Selfoss: 104 km, Reykjavík: about 160 km, Akureyri: about 530 km

Nearby airports

Reykjavík airport: about 160 km

About the fishing license

Fish Partner – Kaldakvísl

Fish Partner t: +354 571 4545 – [email protected]



South Iceland

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