News about fishing in Iceland

Brown trout

The amazing brown trout areas in Laxá!

One of the most amazing brown trout areas in the world are in Laxá in Þingeyjarsýsla, including both the beats in Mývatnssveit and Laxárdalur. We must also mentioned the beats

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More salmon than in previous years

The salmon fishing season of 2024 has had a more promising beginning compared to previous years. Salmon fishing has been below average for the past five years, but anglers are

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Latest salmon statistics

Last week, the Urriðafoss waterfall in river Þjórsá had reached 491 salmon while river Norðurá had 451 salmon. Then other salmon rivers come one after the other with decent fishing;

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Salmon statistics

The salmon season is off to a slow start due to cold weather and high water levels, making it challenging for anglers. The main news comes from Urriðafoss and river

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Brown trout

Laxá in Mývatnssveit

The opening days in Laxá in Mývatnssveit ended this morning, and it can be said that fishing has started well in this renowned area. “The conditions are at their best,”

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First salmon in Iceland 2024

The first salmon of the season in Iceland was caught today in the fishing area Skuggi (at the junction of rivers Grímsa and Hvíta), specifically in Skuggastrengur. It measured 84

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Arctic Char

Lake fishing

Fishing began in several lakes in April and early May. Here is a summary of the main ones: Fishing in Lake Vífilsstaðavatn began slowly, but by April 6, most of

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Arctic Char

Summary of the spring fishing

Sea trout fishing in the stream Tungulækur this April set a new record compared to previous years, with over 700 sea trout caught. And there’s still the whole autumn ahead!

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Arctic Char

A decent start, despite the conditions! 

The first days in the rivers that opened on April 1st provided decent fishing despite challenging conditions.In the river Eldvatn, around forty sea trout were caught. The largest fish caught

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