Veiðiheimar has conducted a new comparison of the most frequently searched information pages for fishing areas during the past three months. Lately the website has experienced a significant increase in visits, surpassing 350,000. There were three to five times more users in the spring and summer compared to the autumn and winter seasons. It is good to see that usage is increasing throughout the year.
Here is a list of the top 15 fishing areas that were most popular in searches during last 3 months
Salmon rivers:
Brown trout & Arctic char rivers:
- River Vatnsdalsá – trout beat
- River Brúará
- River Víðidalsá – Arctic char
- Fremri-Laxá
- Eldvatn in Meðallandi
Lakes & Lake Clusters:
Image/From river Laxá at Refasveit
Summary made by Veiðiheimar