Hjaltadalsá & Kolka

Northwest Iceland
Photo credit: Veiðitorg

Fishing season

20 June – 20 September


Baits allowed

Flies, Worms, Spinner
Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

4 rods

Fishing limits

More than 5 fish per rod/day

Accomodation options

Angling lodge




Family friendly, Requires permission, SUVs only

Price range for fishing rods

For half a day
8500 ISK to 8500 ISK

What can be fished


Rivers Hjaltadalsá and Kolbeindalsá are productive char rivers in a beautiful and historical environment in the vicinity of Hólar in Hjaltadal. The rivers merge below the highway and their united name is Kolka and the estuary Kolkuós. The rivers have strong currents, good water levels during the fishing season; enjoyable rivers with teasing currents, calm runs, and deep pools. The char are in the range of 1.5 – 2.5 lbs but of course there are bigger char caught too. There is a good chance of salmon in these rivers with about 50 salmon caught in recent summers, but previously about 100 salmon. About 300 to 400 are caught each year, plus a few sea trout. Fishing spots spread throughout the catchment, far inland along Hjaltadalur and up to a dam in Kolbeinsdalsá.

Accommodation & Facilities

Angling lodge

A small, fine fishing cabin is near Efri-Ás. In recent years, the facilities have been greatly improved by installation of electricity and hot water and the building of a nice terrace. In the house are two bedrooms and a sleeping loft, in total, sleeping space for eight people. There is storage for waders in the cabin. Anglers need to bring sheets and towels and to clean the house after their stay. It is possible to book a cleaning service and there is information about that in the cabin.


Drive by Varmahlíð in Skagafjörður and in the direction of Sauðárkrókur. From there you drive north over the bridges over Héraðsvötn. When you cross the bridges, turn right and drive for about 10 minutes until you come to a sign “Home to Hólar” There, turn up Hjaltadalur and drive on until you reach a bridge over Hjaltadalsá. The fishing cabin is located by Efri-Ás. Also, it is possible to drive highway one north of Varmahlíð and turn left by a sign: Hofsós-Siglufjörður. (Turn right if you come from Akureyri).

In Kolbeindalsá are 15 marked fishing spots up to the dam and in Hjaltadalsá there are 40 marked spots. In Kolka are 5 fishing spots.


Services nearby

Nearest cities

Hofsós: about 24 km, Akureyri: 123 km and Reykjavík: 317 km

Nearby airports

Akureyri airport: 125 km


The Region Museum of Skagafjörður t: +354 453-6173, www.glaumbaer.is

Hólar in Hjaltadalur and there is a short drive to the swimming pool at Hofsós

About the fishing license

Veiðitorg.is – Kolka

The Angling Club of Siglufjörður t: +354 862 5583, [email protected]


Morning shift

07:00 – 13:00

Evening shift

16:00 – 22:00


Northwest Iceland

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