
Northeast Iceland
Photo credit: SVAK

Fishing season

01 June – 20 September


Baits allowed

Flies, Worms, Spinner
Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

10 rods

Fishing limits

4 fish per rod/day




Family friendly, Easy access, Requires permission, SUVs only

Price range for fishing rods

For half a day
2500 ISK to 3800 ISK

What can be fished


Svarfaðardalsá has its source on Heljardalsheiði, an ancient route between Skagafjörður and Eyjafjörður. It is a typical drainage river, cold with variable water levels and often glacial in the summer. Numerous tributaries fall into Svarfaðardalsá and the main one is Skíðadalsá, which is also a fishing river. These are basically sea char rivers, but there is a considerable amount of Brown trout in the lower areas. The fishing area is about 35 km, divided into 5 beats each with two rods. The most popular time are the first two weeks in August, but then the char migration is usually at its peak. It can be a great fun fishing sea char in Svarfaðardalsá and then it comes as a pleasant surprise in trout fishing. Half days are sold in the river. The average catch the last 10 years is about 630 char, but probably the registration is deficient.

Accommodation & Facilities

Bed & Breakfast

Syðri-Hagi t: +354 4661961 / +354 855 1861, [email protected]

Möðruvellir in Skíðadalur t +354 466 1658,[email protected]

The Tourism at Skeiði Svarfaðardalur t: +354 466 1636,, [email protected]


Húsabakki: [email protected] / t: +354 859-7811

Ytri-vík and Kálfskinn t: +354 466 1982, +354 466 1630 or +354 869 2433, [email protected], [email protected]

Fishing rules

All fishing should be entered in the electronic fishing book of Svarfaðardalsá on


Í vorveiði í maí er eingöngu leyfð fluguveiði og skal öllu fiski sleppt. Frá júní og til með september er eingöngu leyfð fluguveiði á svæði 5 og skal öllum fiski sleppt. Á öðrum svæðum er allt agn leyfi og kvóti á hverja dagstöng 4 bleikjur (2 bleikjur á hvorri vakt) Svarfaðardalsá is divided into 5 beats, see map below

A map

Services nearby

Nearest cities

Dalvík: from 2 – 15 km, Akureyri: 42 km and Reykjavík: 411 km

About the fishing license

Svarfaðardalsa – Veiðitorg

The Fishing club of Svarfaðardalsá t: +354 6911633

[email protected]

Fishing warden: Marinó t: (+354) 780-0049. Marínó provides guiding in the river.


Morning shift

07:00 – 13:00

Evening shift

16:00 – 22:00


Northeast Iceland

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