
South Iceland
Photo credit: ICoutfitters

Fishing season

01 April – 20 October


Baits allowed

Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

6 rods

Fishing limits

1 fish per rod/day

Accomodation options

Fishing cabin


Not available


For beginners, Family friendly, Requires permission, SUVs only

Price range for fishing rods

For the full day
11000 ISK to 32000 ISK

What can be fished


Vatnasvæði Varmár er um margt sérstakt en þar má finna allar tegundir íslenskra ferskvatnsfiska. Sjóbirtingurinn er þó alls ráðandi á svæðinu. Margir stórir staðbundnir urriðar veiðast ár hvert ásamt sjóbirtingum, um og yfir 80 cm. Varmá er tilvalin til að leiða unga veiðimenn inn í undraheim stangaveiðinnar. Hér er griðastaður fluguveiðimanna en rétt er að taka fram að til þess að hlúa að fiskistofnum þessa viðkvæma vatnasvæðis er kvótinn 1 fiskur á hverja stöng á dag. Veiða má og sleppa að vild eftir það. Meðalveiði er um 500 fiskar árlega, en það þyrfti að bæta úr skráningu.

Unfortunately, the river will be closed the summer of 2025

Accommodation & Facilities

Fishing cabin

A new fishing cabin was opened in the spring of 2017 and is located at the end of Sunnumörk street, above the main road. There, anglers can warm up, eat their lunch and record the catch in the fishing book. No accommodation is available.

Fishing rules

It is permitted to take one fish per rod daily, after June 1st. Until then it is only catch & release. We encourage anglers to release the big sea trout.

At the beginning of the fishing day, all anglers must arrive at the cabin at Sunnumörk, 15 minutes before the fishing time to select beat and receive information from the fishing guard. If they can’t arrive on time, they are asked to send an SMS to the guard. At the end of the fishing day, all catches must be recorded. If the anglers do not manage to do so, they can send an SMS to the guard, and he will record the catch. If the anglers do not manage to do so, they can send an SMS to the guard, and he will record the catch.

If anglers become aware of poaching or violation of fishing rules, it must be reported immediately to the fishing guard. If an angler catches a rainbow trout, it must be killed without exception and reported to the warden. It is necessary to close all gates on roads. If an angler catches a rainbow trout, it must be killed without exception and reported to the warden. It is necessary to close all gates on roads.


River Varmá (Þórleifslækur) is close to 20 km. Varmá runs through Hveragerði and after it has merged with Sandá it is called Þorleifslækur. It flows into Ölfusá about 6 km from the sea.

Map of the river here

Varmá is divided into three fishing beats and anglers need to change beat every two hours.

Beat 1 – From the bridge, below the waterfall Reykjafoss, and down to Stöðvarbreiða.

Beat 2 – From Stöðvarbreiða down to the narrowing above Teljarinn (the fish counter).

Beat 3 – From Teljarinn to Gamla Stífla (Old dam)

Free beat – The river below Gamla Stífla (Old dam) and also above the bridge below the waterfall Reykjafoss.

Services nearby

Nearest cities

Varmá flows through Hveragerði, Reykjavík: 48 km, Akureyri: 418 km

Nearby airports

Reykjavík airport: 48 km and Keflavík airport 93 km

About the fishing license

The Angling Clbu of Reykjavík t: +354 568-6050, [email protected]

Wardens: Björn t: +354 852 0118 (from the 16th – 30th Apríl, June, August and October)


Morning shift

07:00 – 13:00

Evening shift

16:00 – 22:00


South Iceland

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