The first days in the rivers that opened on April 1st provided decent fishing despite challenging conditions.In the river Eldvatn, around forty sea trout were caught. The largest fish caught so far was by Þorgeir Þorgeirsson. It was a 93 cm fish caught at the incredible fishing spot Eyjarofi.
The River Tungulækur also had a good start, with the first group of anglers catching about forty fish.The fish were all of equal size, but a few were placed on the larger side and managed to escape.
The “icebreakers” in Geirlandsá managed to catch around 40 sea trout despite the initial poor conditions with the river being mostly frozen when they arrived in the area. The largest sea trout caught was 89 cm long and was caught by Bjarki Bóasson.
Several fish were caught the first days of the season in river Húseyjarkvísl under unfavorable fishing conditions. The tenants of river Leirá made a sincere effort to open the river but had to retreat after a valiant attempt.
Björn H. Pétursson was present at Kárastaðir in Þingvallavatn and successfully caught two trout despite challenging conditions. Spring fishing has begun in the river Korpa, and a few fish have been caught. The same is true for the river Brúará, where the first chars have already been booked.
The weather forecast predicts cold days to continue until late next week, with temperatures expected to rise slightly.
Front Image: “Icebrakers” working at the opening days in river Geirlandsá
A summary prepared from a news report from; Sporðaköst