Farmed salmon in Icelandic rivers! 

Reports of escaped salmon in rivers in the northwestern and western part of Iceland have been on the rise recently. In fact, it can be said that farmed salmon have been caught in most of the known salmon rivers in these areas. 

In river Blanda, farmed salmon has been netted in the fish ladder, which is located in the lower part of the river. A few days ago, 8 such salmon were caught, and they have now become 19 in one week. Despite this, a few salmon that arrived earlier and were estimated from fish farming, had already been caught further up the river. 

The concern of most fishing clubs in the country is understandable, as it is difficult to estimate the number of these farmed fish. Their tendency about migration time is also not known. This environmental disaster is a fact and its scale is growing every day. The Marine & Freshwater Research Institute has identified 26 salmon from Icelandic salmon rivers as escaped fish from Arctic Sea Farm, sea pens in Patreksfjörður.

Picture/Farmed salmon caught in the fish ladder by River Blanda

A summary based on news fromðaköst