Blanda I – II & III

Northwest Iceland
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Fishing season

05 June – 05 September


Baits allowed

Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

8 rods

Fishing limits

1 fish per rod/day

Accomodation options

Angling lodge




Easy access, Requires permission, SUVs only

Price range for fishing rods

For the full day

What can be fished


River Blanda is one of the best salmon rivers in the country with a strong, large salmon population. There have always been a lot of salmon in the river, but before it was dammed it was very turbid, so the salmon rarely saw the fly or bait and hooking (? – is this gaffing?) was the main fishing method. Now, people can use other methods and fly fishing is quite popular. The fishing at beat one in Blanda starts in June and it is difficult to find a salmon river, which generally returns as good a catch in June and early July. Dammurinn and Breiðan are fishing spots that give good fishing through the whole season. The river is about 125 km in length, which makes it the eighth longest in the country and the catchment area is about 2300 square kilometers.

Accommodation & Facilities

Angling lodge

Anglers are accommodated in the magnificent fishing lodge Hólahvarf. There are double bedrooms each with a private bathroom. The lounge is roomy and comfortable with a beautiful view over the river. On the terrace are hot tubs or it’s possible to go into a sauna if guests prefer. The lodge was recently improved to meet the requirements of the current tenant.

Accommodation and food is provided in June and July and until August 2nd. After that date, accommodation is not available with fishing permits in Blanda I, but there are numerous accommodation options in and around Blönduós.

Fishing rules

One male fish under 68 cm may be taken per shift. After that, people can of course catch and release. In Blanda I in June there are four rods, two on each bank. At other times, 6-8 rods are used. From the opening 5th of June and until 24th of June and again from August 2nd to the end of the season, Blanda beat I is sold separately. From the 24th of June until the 2nd of August Blanda I, II and III are sold together as a package and anglers rotate between beats according to a prescribed system. Single rods are sold 2 – 4 days at a time, in June and July.

Blanda is very powerful and has fast currents, therefore we ask anglers to go carefully and use a wading stick and life jacket while fishing.

It is possible to monitor the water level of Blöndulón (see here)


Svæði I er neðan Ennisflúða. Svæði II er frá Breiðavaðslæk að heimreið að Æsustöðum. Svæði III nær frá Æsustöðum að útfalli Blönduvirkjunar

Services nearby

Nearest cities

Blönduós: 20 km, Akureyri: 124 km and Reykjavík: 264 km

Nearby airports

Akureyri airport: 127 km and Reykjavík airport: 264 km

About the fishing license

Fish Partner – Blanda

Fish Partner t: +354 571-4545, [email protected] – join Fish Partner Members Club


Morning shift

07:00 – 13:00

Evening shift

16:00 – 22:00


Northwest Iceland

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