
South Iceland
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Fishing season

01 April – 15 September


Baits allowed

Fishing rod

Maximum fishing rods

1 rods

Fishing limits

Catch & Release




Requires permission, SUVs only, Only by foot

Price range for fishing rods

For the full day
19500 ISK to 19500 ISK

What can be fished


Galtalækur is a two rod brown trout stream that runs into West Rangá well above the salmon area. There is often good fishing in Galtalækur, but the fishing area is quite demanding. Very large trout are caught there as well as many smaller ones. Fly fishing is only allowed, and all trout must be released. The fish should be handled with care and anglers should be careful not to handle trout with dry, bare hands.

Accommodation & Facilities

Bed & Breakfast

At Galtalækur II there are five small houses for accommodation t. (+354) 861-6528 & 487-6528

Fishing rules

Anglers should stop at the farm Galtalækur II, which is on the left side of the driveway and “announce that they have arrived” before going down to the stream. It is also important to record all catches accurately, into a fishing book that is in a box at the driveway.

Notice: fishing is only allowed in the stream, but not in the lakes. Notice: fishing is only allowed in the stream, but not in the lakes.

The rods are always sold together as a package, one day at a time


To get to Galtalækur, take a road just before reaching Hella from the south, but the road is marked Galtalækur. Drive all the way to the farm, about 30 km, but the way down to the stream is through the farm’s driveway.

The fishing area extends from a bridge below the farm Galtalækur, down to the confluence with Ytri Rangá.

About the fishing license



South Iceland

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