Sea trout

Summary of the spring fishing

Sea trout fishing in the stream Tungulækur this April set a new record compared to previous years, with over 700 sea trout caught. And there’s still the whole autumn ahead!

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Opening day at river Litlaá!

Poor weather conditions and snow-blocked roads between Akureyri and Kelduhverfi delayed the arrival of the first anglers to the river on the opening day of April 1st. They didn’t get

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Gonna be a cold start! 

The angling season in Iceland starts on April 1st. It mainly focuses on sea trout fishing, but in some areas that will open, trout and char can be found. In

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Popular Lakes

At Veiðiheimar, one can find information about the main fishing lakes in Iceland. Several of these lakes are highly popular and sought after, particularly the ones that provide services and

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Sea trout opportunities

Now most all the salmon rivers are closing and the same is the case of the sea running char rivers. However, the Directorate of Fisheries has come up with the

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Veiðiheimar is 2 years old

At the end of last month, Veiðiheimar turned 2 years old. The user value of the website has certainly proven itself and the number of visits is increasing day by

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Lake Summary

If you are a tourist in Iceland and are interested in exploring lake fishing, there are various options available. There are many lakes in Iceland and many of them are

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