The first week of the season is over and the fishing has been pretty good in most places. At this time, it is mainly sea trout that anglers aim for, but there is also some fishing for brown trout and Arctic char. This is the time for the big sea trout, but they have recovered differently from their winter stay in the river. Below are summaries of the main rivers in the Northern part Iceland.
River Litlaá – The same group that has been in the past few years, opened the river. Anglers were lucky with the weather and the fishing was good for these two and a half days. The total catch was 117 fish, mostly brown trout, but also few sea trout and Arctic char. The biggest ones were over 80 cm, a few close to 70 cm but most around 60 cm.
River Brunná – Somewhat further, east of river Litluá, is the river Brunná. There was a group of friends opening and catching fish both in river Brunná and also river Sandá with which the former merges. When we heard from them, they had landed 16 fish, including sea trout and Arctic char. In the fairly colored Sandá, they caught a few beautiful fish, well kept and the biggest one was 81 cm. The next biggest was 72 cm and most were about 60 cm. Most of the char were caught in river Brunná.
Laxá in Aðaldal – There, several guides opened the areas of Syðra-Fjall and Presthvammur. The conditions were demanding and more difficult than in the neighboring rivers. However, this hopeful group of guides managed to land 15 brown trout the first day, up to 63 cm.
River Eyjafjarðará – Anglers did not have high hopes of being able to fish in river Eyjafjarðará during the first days of April, as everything was covered in snow. But a long period of warm weather changed that and the fishing has been at its best. Over the first week, about 60 fish have been caught, mainly sea trout, but a few Arctic char as well. The biggest sea trout yet are 85, 83 and 81 cm. It has come as a surprise how well kept the sea trout are, some even considered “fatty”. It would be interesting to know the reason for that?
Summary based on sources from Hauki Jónssyni, Ísaki Matthíassyni, Benjamín Bergssyni og Kristni Þ. Halldórssyni.