Prime time for brown trout fishing ahead 

The spring is “kicking in” and that’s the time when the biota in most rivers comes to life and the brown trout fishing is at its best. The practice of sea trout fishing decreases and anglers start to think about gear to catch local brown trout. Many anglers choose to catch it with bead head nymphs, with the help of a striking indicator. Others prefer streamers. 

Many areas where brown trout fishing is available are popular and licenses usually sell out quickly. However, licenses can still be found in many of the country’s better brown trout fishing areas. Some of them are isted below: 

River Laxá in Myvatnssveit

River Laxá in Laxárdalur

River Litlaá

River Laxá – Presthvammur

River Laxá – Staðartorfa

River Svartá in Skagafjordur

River Minnivallalækur

River Fullsæll

River Tungufljót

River Norðlingarfljót

Þingvallavatn – few areas


Image – Halldór Harðarson with a nice brown trout at the beat Staðarorfa in River Laxá